2024 BSides Regina

BSides Regina Conference 2024

 March 21, 2024. 10am-4pm

Atlas Hotel in Regina

4177 Albert St, Regina, SK S4S 3R6

Imperial Ballroom (Main Program) & Silver Room (Interactive Come and Go)

Sponsor and Registration set up to begin anytime after 8:30am

Participation Registration begins anytime after 9:15am


Cost to Participants

Our goal is to make attendance at BSides Regina as accessible as possible.   The pricing in 2024 will remain the same as 2023!

  • $50  Working professionals

  • $25  Student


Lunch, snacks and beverages are all included.  Also included will be out of this world SWAG and a lot of sharing and learning among our community.

Tickets will be available for purchase starting January 15, 2024

Check it OUT!

The 2nd Annual BSides Regina Agenda

10:00am: Welcome to the 2nd Annual BSides Regina

10:15-10:45: Brennen Schmidt - Cracking the Consultant's Code: The Art of Strategic Storytelling in Presentations

Break – community networking and food/beverage break

11:00 - 11:30: Nikola Bura - Fear and Loathing at the Tone: A Savage Journey to the Heart of a Campus Phone System

11:30 - 12:00: Sheik Sahib - AI powered Cybersecurity - the good and bad

12:00-1:05pm:  Lunch presented by rSolutions…with MetaCTF “hints”

1:05-1:30:  Lightning Talks – 5-10 min. Talks 1. Pamela 2. 3. looking for first time speakers. 

1:30 – 2:00: Perry Grodzinski - Fun with ESP32

2:00 – 2:30: Ikhtear Bhuyan - AI, Machine Learning and SOC efficiency

Break – community networking and food/beverage break
2:45-3:15:  Brendan Clace - Open Source Incident Response: Building Capability Without the $$$ Budget

3:20-4:00: Panel “Hot Topic” Discussion

4:00-4:05 – MetaCTF prizes

Thanks to all the presenters for sharing their time and thoughts, talents and time. Our community grows stronger when we share ideas.

Welcome To BSides 2024

  • About BSides Regina


    BSides Regina is brought to you by Security BSides Regina, a registered not-for-profit, volunteer based organization. The event is a community supported cyber security conference and part of the worldwide Security BSides movement.

    BSides Regina attracts participants, speakers and Sponsors from across Saskatchewan and Canada. Regina, Saskatchewan is the host City and thus the name as BSides Regina.

  • Connect at BSides Regina

    Connect at BSides Regina

    Security BSides is a worldwide community-driven event built for and by information security community members with local chapters following the foundational guidelines for Security BSides events.

    The goal of BSides is to expand the spectrum of conversation beyond the traditional confines of space and time. It creates opportunities for individuals to both present and participate in an intimate atmosphere that encourages collaboration. It is where conversations for the next-big-thing are happening.

    Participate, learn, engage and connect with our strong, growing and welcoming information security community.

  • Capture The Flag

    Capture The Flag

    Capture the Flag available for those that want to challenge it. We will have a couple of systems that are available for anyone that is CTF curious and wants to try to solve a puzzle or two or bring along a computing device and try to tackle them all. Participants of the CTF will be entered to win a door prize.

    We will also be playing an interactive game of Backdoors and Breaches. If you haven’t heard of this before it is sort of like if Dungeons and Dragons meet cybersecurity incident response. Should be fun.

  • Register Now

    Register Now!

    Join us for BSides Regina on March 21 2024. 10am-4pm at the Atlas Hotel in Regina. Tickets are only $50, or only $25 if you are a student. Lunch is included and we have amazing SWAG.

    Come participate, learn, engage and connect with our strong, growing and welcoming information security community.

    Tickets and event info are here:



We are currently accepting talk topics and presentations, this includes 30 minute presentations an d 10 minute Lightning Talks

What about Professional Development Credits (PDUs)?

BSides Regina will not issue certificates of participation as our organization has no affiliation to certifying professional bodies.  It is up to the participant to review the requirements for ongoing professional development with the organizations they are certified or affiliated with. 

Who should attend?

BSides Regina is open anyone with an interest in information technology security will enjoy a day of learning about cyber security, related current and upcoming trends, and technical problems and solutions!  There is something for everyone at BSides.  We welcome all participants and Sponsors from across Saskatchewan and Canada.  The profession is diverse, and we look forward to meeting you.